Excellent Hubei:The Rebuilt Zhaixing Tower
The Rebuilt ZhaixingTower
Farmers in Huangmei rebuild the Zhaixing Tower after 11 years of hard work
To restore its charm as recorded in Li Bais poem 1300 years ago
重建的摘星樓 The Rebuilt Zhaixing Tower
通訊員 吳句兵 夏嬋
翻譯 尹珩 李思琪 衛拉
Reporter: Dong Shujian
Correspondents: Wu Jubing,Xia Chan
Translators:Yin Heng, Li Siqi, Wei La
There once was a famous Jiangxin Temple in Caishan Town, Huangmei County, Hubei Province, which was first built in the Jin Dynasty (266-420A.D.).Within the temple lay the well-known Zhaixing Tower (which means plucking stars in Chinese), where the great poet Li Bai (701 -762 A.D.) wrote a poem as follows:
Hundred feet high the Summit Temple stands,
Where I could pluck the stars with my own hands.
At dead of night I dare not speak aloud,
For fear of waking dwellers in the cloud.
(Translated by Xu Yuanchong)
1700 years since its founding,the original Zhaixing Tower hascollapsed due to years of neglect and the diversion of the Yangtze River.To rebuild the tower, Mei Xinming, a local farmer, led his fellow villagersto raise more than 2 million yuan, and even designed and reconstructedthe tower all on their own. After 11 years ofhardwork, they managed to rebuild the five-storyZhaixing Tower on the top of CaishanHill.
Yesterday morning, JimuNews reporters came to visit CaishanTown, Huangmei County.
Thenew ZhaixingTowerexudes an aura of magnificence
On the trip from Huangmei to Caishan, one is greeted with endless fieldsstretching to the horizon, withouta single hill in sight. If one didnt experience it for themselves, it would be hard to imagine that such a vast expanse of alluvial plainexists in the Dabie Mountains.
As far off as a dozen of kilometers away from Caishan Hill, the impressive archaisticbuilding already jumpsinto our sight. Though Zhaixing Tower is merely 24.8 meters in height and stands atop the Caishan Hill which is just dozens of meters high, its presence is exceedingly magnificent against the vast expanse of plain.
After ascending to the top of the tower and looking around, one is presented with a broadand picturesque canvas of country fields, dottedwith distant red roofs, tall trees, green wheat sprouts,intertwined country roadsand ashinning lakewhose radiance cannot be ignored.
Zhai Xueming, associate editor of the local PomoPoetry Club, notes that standing onthe top ofthe tower,on a fine day,one can see Mount Lu to the south, Wuzu Temple to the north andthe ribbon-like Yangtze River to the west; while on a moonlit night, one can enjoy the view of a rippling river. What a perfect location for Zhaixing Tower!
The farmers singlehandedly designed and reconstructed the Zhaixing Tower
In 1956, Mei Xinming was born in Zengjiadun, Caishan Village, which was situated at the foot of Caishan Hill. Although he only received three years of schooling, he has dreamed of rebuilding theZhaixing Tower ever sincehe was as little boy.
According to Mei, stories about the great poet LiBaiand the Zhaixing Tower have been a companionof hisfrom childhood to adulthood. Since he left his hometown at the age of 18 and worked as a bricklayer, hehasparticipated in the construction of dozens oftemples and otherarchaisticbuildings in Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui, which enabled him to accumulate capital, skills, experience and connections. Then later in 2010, hebegan to realize his childhood dreambit by bit -- rebuilding the Zhaixing Tower.
However, for a farmerwith only three years of schooling,it is not difficult to imagine the great difficultieshe would encounterin reconstructingan ancient architecture.But where there is a will, there is a way. Mei said the design of the Zhaixing Tower was mainly based ontwo ancient buildings -- the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan and the Leifeng Tower in Hangzhou, whose design drawingswere downloaded from the Internet. Whats even more excitingis,hisplan to rebuildthe Zhaixing Tower haswonsupport fromhisfellow villagersand people from atleast adozen villages around Caishan Town have voluntarily donated money and materialsfor this grand project.
At the end of 2021, a magnificent building soared up on the top of Caishan Hill.
Tourism attractions featuring ancient relics to be set up
“Do you think that a buildingdesigned and constructed on your ownwill be strong enough?” Confronted with doubts, Mei Xinming gave a positive answer. He explained that the building was constructed on the hard flintstone ofCaishanMountain.Besides, the superior steelthat was used for the main buildingis thicker than a literal bulls leg and thus the stability of the building is assured. Mr. Meiadded thathe wouldcomplete boththe interior and exteriordecoration as the next step. It is when this final step is completed thathis long-cherished dream will finally come true.
Yu Yanjun, Director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Huanggang Normal University Committee, highly praised the endeavor by Mei Xinming and other farmers to rebuild the Zhaixing Tower. He said that their efforts proved the vitality of the traditional Chinese culture that still livedin the memoryof the peopleand actedas a model forany endeavors ofexploring local cultural resources and reviving rural culture.
According to Deng Haihong, Party Secretary of the CPC Caishan Town Committee, Caishan Town, also known as “mini Huangmei”, boasts thousands of years of historical and cultural heritage. “By further exploring the profound cultural and historical treasure, the Jiangxin Temple and Zhaixing Tower in Caishan will be included into the Eastern Hubei Tourism Circle. Then, incorporating Mount Lu in Jiangxi Province to the south, Sizu Temple and Wuzu Temple in Huangmei to the north, tourism attractions featuring ancient relics will gradually take shape.”
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